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CX36 Radio Centenario 1250 AM Radio en vivo

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CX36 Radio Centenario is a broadcasting station based in Montevideo, Uruguay. It is a radio network that caters to the needs and interests of the local population. Established in 1930, it has grown to become an influential voice in the community, with a range of programming to suit all tastes.

Listeners can tune in to CX36 Radio Centenario on 1250 AM, with excellent coverage throughout the region. The station has a varied schedule, with shows covering news, sports, culture, and entertainment, as well as in-depth analysis of national and international events. The programs are aimed at a broad audience, from school-aged children to senior citizens, and they are broadcast in the Spanish language.

With a dedicated team of experienced broadcasters, CX36 Radio Centenario provides high-quality programming that informs, educates, and entertains its listeners. It also focuses on community involvement, supporting local events and charitable causes. To stay informed and connected, visit their website at www.radio36.com.uy.
Escuchar CX36 Radio Centenario 1250 AM en la <strong>app radio.net </strong>
Escuchar CX36 Radio Centenario 1250 AM en la app radio.net
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